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Bachelor's Degree in Animation Creative Campus Universidad Europea

Bachelor’s Degree in Animation Madrid

Studying animation will enable you to make your passion your profession. Learn the latest techniques in animation workshops, in a professional environment, enjoying what you do.
  • Official degree
  • Campus-based
  • 4 years, 240 ECTS

BA Animation Degree

The Bachelor's Degree in Animation is a degree that aims to train students in design, digital art and interactive environments. With a focus on experiential learning, you will study in a multidisciplinary way, working on real projects and cases.

As a student of the Animation Degree program, you will learn in top notch facilities, such as a professional Tech Factory studio, Wacom Classrooms, Virtual and Augmented Reality Lab, Digital Fabrication Lab – FabLab, or a Chroma Room, to develop the necessary skills in digital animation and achieve a successful career.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Madrid (centro)
Start: 15 sep. 2025
Classes in English or Spanish
School of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Computing - STEAM

Request your free credit transfer assessment

If you want to transfer to a different university or if you have completed a higher vocational training program and want to go on to study a bachelor’s degree, you can apply for recognition of the subjects you have passed. In less than one week you will receive, free of charge, your personalized recognition plan.

Why choose the Animation Degree at Universidad Europea?

Club UE game studio

Join the club that has developed and launched several professional video games on the market.

Professional demo reel

Round off your degree with your professional demo reel, which you can show to agencies and studios as you leap into the working world.

Top-notch facilities

Tech Factory, Wacom Rooms, Render Farm, XR Lab, specific labs at Creative Campus, and more.

youtube thumbnail
Demo reel of animation and video games 2022/23
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Animation Demo Reel 2023/24

Get to know our facilities

To train as an Animator you need to learn in a professional setting like the ones you will find in your future: Creative Campus, 5,000 m2 in the heart of Madrid with state-of-the-art facilities

  • The Atrium, a meeting place for students, professors and professionals, will host exhibitions, presentations, performances, master classes and screenings, among other activities.
  • Tech Factory: the first and only professional studio on a university campus. We provide you with professional licenses on powerful computers so that you can carry out all your projects at the highest level and with professional quality.
  • XR Lab room equipped with motion capture suits (MoCap) to experiment with virtual and augmented reality that you can use in your projects.
  • Wacom classrooms, Chroma Room, editing studios and production rooms with professional cameras.
  • FabLab Digital Fabrication Laboratory.
  • Design Innovation Workshop.
Demo Interior instalaciones Creative Campus
Students' projects
Looking for Ana
Render de Animación Cartoon
Character and scene design
The Ivory Tower
Chica de pelo moreno y gafas, leyendo un mapa del mundo al aire libre

Mobility offer

We have agreements with many universities in different continents so that you can choose the one that best suits your training.

Study plan

First year

Ethics and Professional Effectiveness6BasicEnglish (en)
History of Animation6BasicEnglish (en)
Artistic Drawing6BasicEnglish (en)
2D Animation: Traditional Techniques6BasicEnglish (en)
Theory of Color and Light6BasicEnglish (en)
Anatomy6BasicEnglish (en)
2D Animation: Digital6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Vector Design and Digital Illustration6BasicEnglish (en)
Character Design and Concept Art6BasicEnglish (en)
Animation Project I6MandatoryEnglish (en)


Second year

Influence and Relational Impact6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Script and Storyboard6MandatoryEnglish (en)
3D Modeling I: Form6BasicEnglish (en)
Audiovisual Composition6BasicEnglish (en)
Rigging6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Lighting and Texturing6MandatoryEnglish (en)
3D Modeling II: Characters6MandatoryEnglish (en)
3D Animation I: Layout6MandatoryEnglish (en)
3D Modeling III: Environments6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Animation Project II6MandatoryEnglish (en)


Third year

Creative Techniques6MandatoryEnglish (en)
3D Modeling IV: Organic6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Sound Design and Music Fundamentals6MandatoryEnglish (en)
3D Animation II: Characters6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Editing and Montage6MandatoryEnglish (en)
3D Animation III: Rendering6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Visual Effects6MandatoryEnglish (en)
3D Animation IV: Facial6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Production, Distribution, and Exhibition6MandatoryEnglish (en)
Animation Project III6MandatoryEnglish (en)


Fourth year

Entrepreneurial Leadership6MandatoryEnglish (en)
External Internships12MandatoryEnglish (en)
Final Project18MandatoryEnglish (en)
Hair and Costume Design6ElectiveEnglish (en)
Background, Environment, and Architecture Design6ElectiveEnglish (en)
3D Development Environments6ElectiveEnglish (en)
Photography and Digital Imaging6ElectiveEnglish (en)
Transmedia Narratives6ElectiveEnglish (en)
Graphic Programming6ElectiveEnglish (en)
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality6ElectiveEnglish (en)
Cinematic Direction and Production6ElectiveEnglish (en)
Video Game Technology and Virtual Scene Design6ElectiveEnglish (en)
Theory and History of Audiovisual and Interactive Media6ElectiveEnglish (en)
Extended External Internships6ElectiveEnglish (en)
University Activities6ElectiveEnglish (en)

Internships in companies are a key element in your training. Gaining experience after what you have learned in your degree is the best way to enter the labor market. There are two types of internships, curricular (included in your curriculum) and extracurricular (those you can do voluntarily).

To carry out curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and enroll the subject before starting your internship. These practices are monitored by the company and the internship teacher, as well as the realization of intermediate and final reports for evaluation.

If you want to improve your work experience before finishing your university education, you can do extracurricular internships. You can do them in any course but we remind you that the practices are a training complement to your studies; Therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout the career, the more you will get out of the internship experience.

Consult the list of companies

Collaborating companies


Career opportunities for BA Animation Degree

Graduates in Animation will be able to develop their profession in the Animation sector for feature films and short films, series, advertising or video games, whether 2D or 3D, traditional or digital.

In addition to specializing in character design or visual effects, both highly demanded profiles currently in the industry, you will be able to develop your profession as:

  • 2D and 3D animator.
  • Animation producer.
  • Animation director.
  • Animation scriptwriter.
  • Art director.
  • Animation distributor.
  • Editor.
  • Visual effects designer.
  • Character designer and modeler.
  • Prop designer.
  • Background designer.
  • Rigger.
  • Interleavers.
  • Layout artist.
  • Background artist.
  • Illuminator.
  • Illustrator.
  • Storyboard artist.
  • Color script artist.
  • Background clean up.
  • Graphic designer.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

Animation Degree is ideal for students interested in:

  • Creativity, restlessness and curiosity.
  • Culture, art and design.
  • The technologies of graphic expression and communication in digital environments.
  • Manual drawing and its applications in digital drawing.
  • Computer graphic tools.
  • Teamwork and critical judgment.
  • Oral and written communication skills.
  • A good level of English is recommended.
  • They should be interested in taking on innovative challenges and in continuous training throughout their professional life.

The admission tests for this degree will be weighted as follows:

  • Competency test: 40%.
  • Interview: 60%.

The competency test: evaluates the student's potential, not only in the elements related to the keys to academic success, but also in the competencies most valued by employers in recent graduates entering the labor market.

Interview: The purpose of the interview is to evaluate the adequacy of the student's profile to successfully undertake the proposed degree program and to inform the student about the graduate's profile.

The requirements for access to the degree are as follows:

  • Obtain a passing grade in the University Entrance Examination, in accordance with current legislation.
  • Obtain a passing grade in the entrance exams for those over 25 and 45 years of age.
  • Higher Technicians, Higher Technicians of Plastic Arts and Design and Higher Sports Technicians.
  • Graduates, Graduates, Technical Engineers, Engineers, Architects or Graduates.
  • Baccalaureate students from educational systems of member states of the European Union and other countries with which international agreements have been signed in this regard, may access the Degree provided that in their educational system they have access to the university, and the provisions of the current regulations are met.
  • Students from other countries and those who do not have an international agreement signed, must homologate their studies and take the university entrance exam(s) if required according to RD 412/2014.

Applicants with work and professional experience in relation to an education, who do not have any academic qualification enabling them to access the university by other routes and who are or have reached 40 years of age before October 1 of this year.

Boceto del Interior del Creative Campus

Come and see the campus

Get to know the facilities and discover why Universidad Europea is made for you.


  • Gomez , Kenneth
    Ken graduated from Central St Martins, University of the Arts London with a BA Hons in Industrial Design. He has worked in the fields of architectural design, retail and interior design, brand communication, furniture and product design. He has worked for both small independent design studios as well as for large international consultants, such as Foster and Partners and on projects ranging from the Seville Expo 1992 to one off designs for individual clients. He has taught design at institutions such as the Instituto Europeo de Design and the Creative Campus of the Universidad Europea.
  • Marcos Solorzano, Isabel
    Isabel Marcos is a visual artist, educator, and researcher. She holds bachelor degrees in Fine Arts and Architecture from Universidad Europea de Madrid and an MFA from the Dutch Art Institute. She has taught at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Academie Minerva Hanze Hogeschool and the Istituto Europeo di Design, and has served as an affiliated researcher at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Currently, she combines teaching at UEM with her artistic practice, co-directing the editorial project Kilo Translation, and pursuing doctoral research at UCLM. Her work has been presented internationally and supported by institutions such as Mondriaan Fonds, CBK Rotterdam, Fundación Montemadrid, AECID, Injuve, Fundación BBK, Fundación Vegap, among others.
  • Moerel , Marre
    Moerel graduated in 1991 with a Masters Degree in furniture design from the Royal College of Arts in London (UK). In 1993 she moved to New York City, where she worked and exhibited for 10 years as freelance designer and fine artist, whilst teaching furniture design at Parsons School of Design (1995-1999). In 2002, to expand her horizons and in search for new inspiration, Moerel moved to Madrid, Spain, where she established her own design studio/gallery Marre Moerel Design Studio. From here she works on her own collections of design objects whilst collaborating with private clients and internationally acclaimed design companies, such as Cappellini and Offect and Santa&Cole. Her work is represented by establisehd galleries such as Rossana Orlandi (IT), Mint (UK) and Aybar Galleries (USA). She continues her teaching practices at various design schools and universities such as the UEM, ETSAM and IED. Both Moerel’s Art and Design have been published and exhibited extensively worldwide. In 2015 she was nominated Most Influencial Designer of the Year by Interiors Magazine.
  • Munari , Isabella
    PhD in Art History (Doctor Europeaus with honours by Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy), with a thesis on the reinterpretation of Titian's s "Glory", since the history of heresy and propaganda and interdisciplinary research, realized between Italy and Spain. Author of the book "Tiziano spirituale" and other articles, she took part in several international conferences (National Gallery of London, University of Toronto, University of Kent, etc.). Her research interests span the entire spectrum of the Visual Arts, from the classical iconology to the applied arts and the contemporary artistic practices, with a main focus on the hybridizations of the visual codes. She is Professor of Art History, Architecture and Design at Universidad Europea de Madrid.
  • Rodera Martinez, Paloma
    PhD in Microsociology, holds a Master’s degree in Theater and Performing Arts, a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts, and a degree in Philosophy. Accredited by ANECA to teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Design, Art, and Communication. Researcher at ECObdLab and collaborator with the Madrid City Council. She has exhibited her work at MoMA, MNCARS, and the Botín Center. Founder of TAP Productions and Kleos Art Consulting. Editor-in-Chief at Culturamas since 2012 and author of works on contemporary design.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Monitoring the quality of the degree

Members of the degree quality committee (CCT)

  • Vice-Dean of Undergraduate Studies
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Department Director
  • Students
  • Faculty (TFG Coordinator and Internships Coordinator)
  • Quality Manager (Quality and Academic Compliance)
  • Academic Advisor
  • Academic Director
  • Online Tutor (in the case of online degrees)
  • Evaluation and Learning Manager

Main improvements of the degree

  • Drawing leveling courses for incoming students.
  • Cloud software platforms more accessible to all.

Main results of the degree

  • DROPOUT RATE; 11.1%.

Frequently Asked Questions

To become a 2D or 3D animator, it is essential to study a degree in Animation or related areas of design. This type of training teaches you specific animation techniques, both in 2D and 3D, including modeling, rigging, texturing and character animation. In addition, it will help you acquire skills in specialized software and visual storytelling concepts to create impactful and effective animations.

With a BA Animation Degree in Madrid (Spain) you will be able to work in a wide variety of companies and studios, including teams dedicated to the development and creation of video games. You will also have opportunities in the film industry, both in short films and digital animation series. In addition, you will be able to work in advertising, marketing and communication companies.

To become an animator you have to study a degree in Animation where you will learn about illustration, character creation and development, landscapes and storytelling. You will learn 2D and 3D animation techniques, and how to integrate virtual reality into your projects to create immersive and innovative experiences.

In Spain, the salary of an entertainer can vary depending on the experience, the type of company, the community and the sector in which he/she works. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an animator in Spain is usually around 23,000 to 28,000 euros gross per year. Animators with more experience or in specialized roles, such as 3D animators, may have higher salaries.

To study the Animation Degree in Madrid at the Universidad Europea you do not need a specific cut-off mark, you only need to have passed the University Entrance Exam (EVAU). For any questions, please contact the admissions office 917 94 73 73 93