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Bachelor's Degree in Video Game Design Campus Universidad Europea

Bachelor’s Degree in Video Games Design Madrid

Become a video game developer with Creative Campus' video games design and development degree. Prepare yourself for a successful career in an industry that is constantly growing both nationally and internationally.
  • Official degree
  • Campus-based
  • 4 years, 240 ECTS

BA Games Design Degree

The Bachelor's Degree in Video Games Design is an official degree aimed at training students to work as specialized professionals in the video games development industry. You will acquire advanced knowledge in video games creation and programming on various platforms, including PCs, consoles, mobile devices and virtual reality environments. You will use cutting-edge tools and technologies in the Tech Factory, an exclusive space within the university campus, equipped with professional software and state-of-the-art hardware. Here, you will develop everything from the initial idea to the final product, which will enable you to master the entire video games development cycle.

One of the main benefits of studying video games in Madrid is the constant contact with industry professionals, including developers, designers, artists and programmers working at the most innovative studios in Madrid and around the world. The city hosts a growing number of industry-related events, such as trade shows, conferences and games jams. In addition, you will be surrounded by an enriching community of creators and developers, having multiple opportunities to network and establish valuable connections for your career.

You will be in contact with industry professionals on a daily basis in class, working on real projects with fellow Animation or Design students. This experience will help you develop skills in teamwork, communication and project management, which are essential in the video games industry. You will finish your degree in video games design with a demo reel or professional portfolio that you can use to introduce yourself to the main agencies and video games studios. This portfolio will include your best work, showing off your skills in design, programming and artistic creation. It will be a key tool to distinguish yourself and stand out in competitive selection processes, whether you are looking for a job at large studios, innovative startups, or even if you decide to set out on your own as an independent developer.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid

Creative Campus
Start: 15 sep. 2025
Classes in English or Spanish
School of Architecture, Engineering, Science and Computing - STEAM

Request your free credit transfer assessment

If you want to transfer to a different university or if you have completed a higher vocational training program and want to go on to study a bachelor’s degree, you can apply for recognition of the subjects you have passed. In less than one week you will receive, free of charge, your personalized recognition plan.

Why choose the Games Design Degree at Universidad Europea?

Professional demo reel

You will work on creating your professional portfolio of projects. You can use it to apply to the agencies and studios you want to work for in the future

Club UE games studio

Join the largest student club where you can continue to grow and develop your passion for video games design and development in Madrid. You can participate in contests and launch your own video games on the market.

Tech factory

The first video game creation and development studio on a university campus. Take advantage of the best facilities and professional software for all your internships and workshops.

Work with the best companies

The program’s professors are professionals who work in companies and studios developing today's video games. By doing internships with them, you will learn to create next-generation video games.

youtube thumbnail
Demo reel of animation and video games
youtube thumbnail
Demo reel of video games
Video games design and development student projects
Games Design
Games Design
System Runner
Games Design
Skullboy's Inferno
Games Design
Games Design

Get to know our facilities

To train as an Video Games Designer you need to learn in a professional setting like the ones you will find in your future: Creative Campus, 5,000 m2 in the heart of Madrid with state-of-the-art facilities

  • The Atrium, a meeting place for students, professors and professionals, will host exhibitions, presentations, performances, master classes and screenings, among other activities.
  • Tech Factory: the first and only professional studio on a university campus. We provide you with professional licenses on powerful computers so that you can carry out all your projects at the highest level and with professional quality.
  • XR Lab room equipped with motion capture suits (MoCap) to experiment with virtual and augmented reality that you can use in your projects.
  • Wacom classrooms, Chroma Room, editing studios and production rooms with professional cameras.
  • FabLab Digital Fabrication Laboratory.
  • Design Innovation Workshop.
Demo Interior instalaciones Creative Campus


Álvaro Daza: Profesor de Animación y Desarrollo de VideojuegosComillas
ComillasLet's design together the greatest adventure of our lives! And then another one, and another one, and another one! are you ready to create?

Álvaro Daza

Professor of Animation and Video Games

Study plan

The Video Games Design Degree is for you if you love video games, create stories, handle visual arts and are crazy about digital and multimedia tools.

First year

Ethics and Professional Effectiveness6BasicEnglish (EN) 
Evolution and Historical Perspective6BasicEnglish (EN) 
Artistic Drawing6BasicEnglish (EN) 
Computer Science Basics and Programming Fundamentals6BasicEnglish (EN) 
Video Game Technology and Virtual Scene Design6BasicEnglish (EN) 
Video Game Structure: Gameplay and Levels6BasicEnglish (EN) 
Theory of Color and Light6BasicEnglish (EN) 
Vector Design and Digital Illustration6BasicEnglish (EN) 
Character Design and Concept Art6BasicEnglish (EN) 
Video Game Project I6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 


Second year

Influence and Relational Impact6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Narrative and Scriptwriting for Video Games6BasicEnglish (EN) 
3D Modeling I: Form6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Object-Oriented Programming6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Introduction to Software Engineering6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Video Game Production6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
2D Animation: Digital6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
3D Development Environments6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Server and Database Technology6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Video Game Project II6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 


Third year

Creative Techniques6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Video Game Marketing6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Sound Design and Music Fundamentals6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Networks and Multiplayer Environments6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
UX and User Interfaces6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Rigging6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
3D Modeling II: Characters6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Artificial Intelligence6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
3D Animation I: Layout6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Video Game Project III6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 


Fourth year

Entrepreneurial Leadership6MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
External Internships12MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
Final Project18MandatoryEnglish (EN) 
3D Animation II: Characters6ElectiveEnglish (EN) 
3D Animation III: Facial6ElectiveEnglish (EN) 
Video Game Criticism6ElectiveEnglish (EN) 
Visual Effects6ElectiveEnglish (EN) 
Experimental Game Design6ElectiveEnglish (EN) 
Game Studies6ElectiveEnglish (EN) 
Lighting and Texturing6ElectiveEnglish (EN) 
3D Modeling III: Organic6ElectiveSpanish (es)
Transmedia Narratives6ElectiveSpanish (es)
Advanced Programming6ElectiveSpanish (es)
Concurrent and Distributed Programming6ElectiveSpanish (es)
Graphic Programming6ElectiveSpanish (es)
Virtual and Augmented Reality6ElectiveSpanish (es)
Serious Games, Edutainment, and Gamification6ElectiveSpanish (es)
Extended External Internships6ElectiveSpanish (es)
University Activities6ElectiveSpanish (es)

Internships in companies are a key element in your training. Gaining experience after what you have learned in your degree is the best way to enter the labor market. There are two types of internships, curricular (included in your curriculum) and extracurricular (those you can do voluntarily).

To carry out curricular internships in companies, you will need to have 50% of the credits approved and enroll the subject before starting your internship. These practices are monitored by the company and the internship teacher, as well as the realization of intermediate and final reports for evaluation.

If you want to improve your work experience before finishing your university education, you can do extracurricular internships. You can do them in any course but we remind you that the practices are a training complement to your studies; Therefore, the more knowledge you have acquired throughout the career, the more you will get out of the internship experience.

Consult the list of campanies

Internship agreement with leading companies in the sector

In order to facilitate this possibility for all students, Universidad Europea has signed university cooperation agreements and/or specific framework agreements with national and multinational companies, non-governmental organizations and public institutions:


Career opportunities of the degree in games design and development

The video games market in our country positioned itself in 2015 as the first audiovisual and interactive leisure industry in Spain. Consumption in the video games sector in Spain reached the figure of 1,083 million euros, 8.7% more than in the previous year according to AEVI, the Spanish video game association.

At the end of the Video Games Design and Development program, you will be a versatile creator, programmer and producer with a deep technical and avant-garde training, capable of planning and managing all types of interactive digital content. You will be able to be:

  • Game designer.
  • Level designer.
  • UX designer.
  • UI designer.
  • Concept artist.
  • Environment artist.
  • Generalist artist.
  • 2D illustrator.
  • Mattepainter.
  • 2D animator.
  • 3D Modeler.
  • Texturizer.
  • 3D Animator.
  • Rigger.
  • Graphic designer.
  • Technical artist.
  • Sound designer.
  • Level editor.
  • Illuminator.
  • Narrative designer.
  • Scriptwriter.
  • Storyboarder.
  • Localizer.
  • QA.
  • Serious games designer.
  • App programmer, artificial intelligence.
  • Virtual reality experts.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers.

Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

This degree is ideal for students interested in:

  • Creativity, restlessness and curiosity.
  • Culture, art and design.
  • The technologies of graphic expression and communication in digital environments.
  • Manual drawing and its applications in digital drawing.
  • Computer graphic tools.
  • Teamwork and critical judgment.
  • Oral and written communication skills.
  • A good level of English is recommended.
  • They should be interested in taking on innovative challenges and in continuous training throughout their professional life.

The admission tests for this degree will be weighted as follows:

  • Competency test: 40%.
  • Interview: 60%.

The competency test: evaluates the student's potential, not only in the elements related to the keys to academic success, but also in the competencies most valued by employers in recent graduates entering the labor market.

Interview: The purpose of the interview is to evaluate the adequacy of the student's profile to successfully undertake the proposed degree program and to inform the student about the graduate's profile.

The requirements for access to the degree are as follows:

  • Obtain a passing grade in the University Entrance Examination, in accordance with current legislation.
  • Obtain a passing grade in the entrance exams for those over 25 and 45 years of age.
  • Higher Technicians, Higher Technicians of Plastic Arts and Design and Higher Sports Technicians.
  • Graduates, Graduates, Technical Engineers, Engineers, Architects or Graduates.
  • Baccalaureate students from educational systems of member states of the European Union and other countries with which international agreements have been signed in this regard, may access the Degree provided that in their educational system they have access to the university, and the provisions of the current regulations are met.
  • Students from other countries and those who do not have an international agreement signed, must homologate their studies and take the university entrance exam(s) if required according to RD 412/2014.

Applicants with work and professional experience in relation to an education, who do not have any academic qualification enabling them to access the university by other routes and who are or have reached 40 years of age before October 1 of this year.

Boceto del Interior del Creative Campus

Come and see the campus

Get to know the facilities and discover why Universidad Europea is made for you.


The Game Design Department has a faculty composed of 48% Ph.D. holders.

  • Marta del Valle Canencia
    Professor of 3D Animation courses and coordinator of Video Game and Animation programs at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. She is a board member of the Women in the Animation Industry Association (MIA) and a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Alcalá. Her research focuses on body language and movement applied to 3D animation. She holds a Master’s in 3D Character Animation from U-TAD and a degree in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Marta has also worked internationally, including as a 3D Character Animator for games like "Die Young" by Indiegala Rome.
  • Guillermo Castilla
    A Ph.D. in Engineering, professor, and researcher at Universidad Europea de Madrid, he coordinates Final Degree Projects in Video Game Design and Animation. Former president of the gEducation Scientific Committee at the Gamification World Conference, his research encompasses educational innovation, with work published in national and international forums.
  • Mayte Barranco
    Bachelor of Fine Arts with a specialization in sculpture and digital creation, she obtained her Ph.D. from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2017. She teaches traditional and digital modeling as well as 3D texturing.
  • Antonio Barba Salvador
    Ph.D. in Multidisciplinary Engineering, he has extensive experience in audio engineering and has taught at Universidad Europea since 2011 in Video Game Design and Animation programs. He is also the CEO of SingularMotion, an engineering project company.
  • Sergio Vozmediano Ávilas
    Computer engineer and experienced in telecommunications, he has served as CTO at Plusuni, a Google-backed startup. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. and conducting research on gamification, virtual reality, and augmented reality.
  • María Socorro Pascual Nicolás
    With degrees in Art History and Conservation, she is experienced in 2D and 3D art, animation, and conservation, and she has designed exhibits in collaboration with Google and UPM.
  • Álvaro Daza
    Teacher in Animation and Video Game Design with extensive experience in AAA game development and indie games. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with a research focus on expressive and aesthetic narrative in video games.
  • Verónica Rufo
    She holds degrees in Graphic Design, with extensive industry experience in content creation and visual storytelling for comic, animation, and video game projects. Currently a Ph.D. candidate, her research is on visual paratranslation in video game development.
  • Luis Miguel Sánchez
    Professor of game art at Telefónica Educación Digital, he is an experienced 3D artist and founder of Wallaby 42 Studios. He has developed curriculum content for video game production programs.
  • Luis Gutiérrez Tamurejo
    With over 10 years in the video game industry, Luis teaches subjects related to leadership, production, and marketing and has managed video game distribution projects for Tesura Games.
  • José Luis de Arteche
    Video game project instructor with a background in IT management, sales, and software development. He is the CEO of FivexGames and an active developer of multi-platform games using Unity.
  • Araceli Pineda Izquierdo
    Animation professor and character rigger with experience in series, films, and video games. She is a member of MIA and has strong expertise in 3D modeling and post-production.
  • Pedro José Lara Bercial
    Accredited Professor and Director in the STEAM School at Universidad Europea with an interest in educational innovation, ICT, and interdisciplinary skills development for engineers and designers.
  • Gonzalo Mariscal Vivas
    Director of the Science, Computing, and Technology Department, he has extensive experience in IT and education project management, and he also teaches courses in project management, VR, and AR.
  • Joaquín Pérez Martín
    Tenured Professor in Design and Video Games and Director of Communication and Marketing since 2021. He previously led the Video Game Design and Programming Master’s program for 11 years.
  • Esther Pizarro
    An established artist and professor of Artistic Drawing, her research focuses on urban mobility and cognitive cartography in cities. Her installations explore urban complexity and nature in contemporary urban contexts.
  • Daniel Rodríguez Palacios
    Ph.D. in Contemporary Art, he specializes in concept art and UX/UI design, with experience in film and video game companies.
  • Luis Pessini Pinilla
    With expertise in web development, robotics, and drones, he currently teaches computer science basics in the Video Game Design degree at Universidad Europea.
  • Sara Polo
    Video game professor and Ph.D. candidate at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her research includes gamification and visual design analysis in games from a gender perspective.
  • Dámaso González Pino
    Experienced in VR software development for aerospace and defense, he teaches online video game design at Universidad Europea.
  • Felipe García Gaitero
    Ph.D. in Educational Sciences and IT engineer with a focus on STEM and game-based learning, he received the Educa Abanca award in 2022 for outstanding university teaching.
  • Carlos Moreno Martínez
    Expert in IT process and portfolio management, he is a founding member of the SmartIS research group, exploring human-computer interaction and emotional response to technology.
    This faculty comprises a diverse and experienced team, dedicated to advancing education and innovation in video game design, animation, and related fields.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
Monitoring the quality of the degree

Members of the degree quality committee (CCT)

  • Vice-Dean of Undergraduate Studies
  • Degree Coordinator
  • Department Director
  • Students
  • Faculty (TFG Coordinator and Internships Coordinator)
  • Quality Manager (Quality and Academic Compliance)
  • Academic Advisor
  • Academic Director
  • Online Tutor (in the case of online degrees)
  • Evaluation and Learning Manager

Main improvements of the degree

  • Leveling courses in Drawing and Programming for incoming students.
  • Cloud software platforms more accessible to all.
  • Extra programming support workshops.

Main results of the degree

  • Dropout rate: 15%.
  • Efficiency rate: 100%.
  • Graduation rate: 41%.
  • Employability rate: 100.0%.
  • Satisfaction of students with the degree: 3.9
  • Satisfaction of professors with the degree: 4.2
  • Student satisfaction with faculty: 4.2
  • Satisfaction of the PAS with the quality of the School's degree programs: 3.9
  • Satisfaction of graduates with the degree: 3.3

Frequently Asked Questions

The video game design degree trains you to be a professional in the development and design of video games for various platforms, such as PC, mobile and apps. You will learn to manage all phases of the video game creation process, from conceptualization to programming and graphic design, working in teams with other specialists in the sector.

To become a video game designer, you have to study a degree in video game design or a Double Degree in Computer Engineering and Video Game Design.

Video game designers work in studios dedicated to the development and production of video games. They may be part of all stages of the project, from the creation of the concept, the characters, the platform and type of games, the target audience and market, the game strategy or the environment that is chosen.

You can work in international video game studios or independent studios. You can also create your own team and develop a video game to launch it to the market.

Universidad Europea offers the Video Game Design and Development Degree in face-to-face mode at the Creative Campus located in the center of Madrid. This urban environment offers direct access to video game studios and industry events, as well as connecting students with an active creative community. It also has an online option for those looking for flexibility in their studies.